Packets/commands to the radio will be written (reliably) to the toRadio characteristic. Once the write completes the phone can assume it is handled.


from message meshtastic.ToRadio



  • Parameters

    • Optional data: PartialMessage<ToRadio>

    Returns ToRadio


payloadVariant: {
    case: "packet";
    value: MeshPacket;
} | {
    case: "wantConfigId";
    value: number;
} | {
    case: "disconnect";
    value: boolean;
} | {
    case: "xmodemPacket";
    value: XModem;
} | {
    case: "mqttClientProxyMessage";
    value: MqttClientProxyMessage;
} | {
    case: undefined;
    value?: undefined;

Log levels, chosen to match python logging conventions.

Type declaration

  • case: "packet"
  • value: MeshPacket

    Send this packet on the mesh


    from field: meshtastic.MeshPacket packet = 1;

Type declaration

  • case: "wantConfigId"
  • value: number

    Phone wants radio to send full node db to the phone, This is typically the first packet sent to the radio when the phone gets a bluetooth connection. The radio will respond by sending back a MyNodeInfo, a owner, a radio config and a series of FromRadio.node_infos, and config_complete the integer you write into this field will be reported back in the config_complete_id response this allows clients to never be confused by a stale old partially sent config.


    from field: uint32 want_config_id = 3;

Type declaration

  • case: "disconnect"
  • value: boolean

    Tell API server we are disconnecting now. This is useful for serial links where there is no hardware/protocol based notification that the client has dropped the link. (Sending this message is optional for clients)


    from field: bool disconnect = 4;

Type declaration

  • case: "xmodemPacket"
  • value: XModem


    from field: meshtastic.XModem xmodemPacket = 5;

Type declaration

  • case: "mqttClientProxyMessage"
  • value: MqttClientProxyMessage

    MQTT Client Proxy Message (for client / phone subscribed to MQTT sending to device)


    from field: meshtastic.MqttClientProxyMessage mqttClientProxyMessage = 6;

Type declaration

  • case: undefined
  • Optional value?: undefined


from oneof meshtastic.ToRadio.payload_variant

fields: FieldList
runtime: ProtoRuntime
typeName: "meshtastic.ToRadio" = "meshtastic.ToRadio"


  • Create a deep copy.

    Returns ToRadio

  • Compare with a message of the same type.


    Returns boolean

  • Parse from binary data, merging fields.

    Repeated fields are appended. Map entries are added, overwriting existing keys.

    If a message field is already present, it will be merged with the new data.


    • bytes: Uint8Array
    • Optional options: Partial<BinaryReadOptions>

    Returns ToRadio

  • Parse a message from a JSON value.


    • jsonValue: JsonValue
    • Optional options: Partial<JsonReadOptions>

    Returns ToRadio

  • Parse a message from a JSON string.


    • jsonString: string
    • Optional options: Partial<JsonReadOptions>

    Returns ToRadio

  • Retrieve the MessageType of this message - a singleton that represents the protobuf message declaration and provides metadata for reflection- based operations.

    Returns MessageType<ToRadio>

  • Serialize the message to binary data.


    • Optional options: Partial<BinaryWriteOptions>

    Returns Uint8Array

  • Override for serialization behavior. This will be invoked when calling JSON.stringify on this message (i.e. JSON.stringify(msg)).

    Note that this will not serialize google.protobuf.Any with a packed message because the protobuf JSON format specifies that it needs to be unpacked, and this is only possible with a type registry to look up the message type. As a result, attempting to serialize a message with this type will throw an Error.

    This method is protected because you should not need to invoke it directly -- instead use JSON.stringify or toJsonString for stringified JSON. Alternatively, if actual JSON is desired, you should use toJson.

    Returns JsonValue

  • Serialize the message to a JSON value, a JavaScript value that can be passed to JSON.stringify().


    • Optional options: Partial<JsonWriteOptions>

    Returns JsonValue

  • Serialize the message to a JSON string.


    • Optional options: Partial<JsonWriteStringOptions>

    Returns string

  • Parameters

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • bytes: Uint8Array
    • Optional options: Partial<BinaryReadOptions>

    Returns ToRadio

  • Parameters

    • jsonValue: JsonValue
    • Optional options: Partial<JsonReadOptions>

    Returns ToRadio

  • Parameters

    • jsonString: string
    • Optional options: Partial<JsonReadOptions>

    Returns ToRadio

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